Who We are
How God has called us to see the city of St. Louis restored and renewed by the Story of Redemption.
Our Mission
At Church of The Redeemer, we are inviting our city to participate in God’s Story of Redemption.
We believe that we are all part of one Story that has been and is continuing to be written by our sovereign God. In this story’s movement, we find purpose and meaning for our lives. We seek to be ambassadors of this story as we tell it in whole or parts to our city.
Our history
Church of The Redeemer began when August Gate Church multiplied into two autonomous congregations. Leadership desired to see each congregation uniquely make disciples within their own contexts. The announcement was made in late 2019 and the transition happened slowly over the course of 2020. The first official public service was held on August 2nd, and the launch happened on September 13th, 2020.
Our Name
The name “Church of The Redeemer” comes from 2 Corinthians 5:21, which says, “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (ESV) Our name reminds us that Jesus Christ is the one who has redeemed us by His sacrifice and the one who invites us to participate with Him in God’s Story of Redemption.
Our Motives
To Make Jesus Famous in Our City
God has been steadfast in his love and faithfulness towards us in Jesus Christ and because of that, we believe that his fame, glory, and renown are the best thing for anyone, ever. We desire for The Story of Redemption to be clearly heard so Jesus is clearly seen and God’s glory is preeminent in our lives and church (Psalm 115:1).
To Celebrate the Image of God in All People
We believe that every person is fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image. Created full of the beauty and worth that God has bestowed upon them. Because of that, we desire to remind people of their dignity in all that we do (Genesis 1:27).
To Embrace the Reality of Grace
Grace is the unmerited favor of God in our lives. We did nothing to earn it and we can’t do anything to lose it. We believe we are saved by grace through faith and it’s the gift of God. Because of that, we will preach grace and have grace for one another (Ephesians 2:8–9).
To Live a Life of Holiness
To be holy is to be set apart unto God and to his sacred design, desires, and purposes. We believe that we have been made holy and have been freed to pursue holiness through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Because of that, we will pursue holiness together as we spur one another on to follow Christ in the power of the Spirit, for the glory of God the Father, and to be a witness to the world around us (1 Peter 1:14–16).
our method
Embrace the Story. We believe that God’s Story of Redemption has to be the main narrative we are living for and living in. We are called to embrace the truth and trajectory of this story as we live out our purpose to glorify God and make disciples. The primary way we do this is through our Sunday Gathering and Discipleship Training.
Live the Story. We believe that as we embrace God’s Story of Redemption it will lead us to live out its implications. By doing this we are pulled along by the current of the Holy Spirit empowering us to live a life that invites others to participate in the Story. The primary way we do this is through our Community Groups and Ministry Teams.
Share the Story. We believe that a natural overflow of embracing and living the Story is sharing it as well. Sharing must be seen as an overflow of a life lived for God’s glory and the good of others. Sharing the Story overflows into our lives and relationships and also fuels us to continue to embrace and live in the Story. The primary way we do this is through our missionary efforts and by inviting others to participate in the same Story that has changed our lives forever.