What StorY
Are You telling?

Consider your entire life…

What is the story you are telling about yourself? What are the things you are looking to find purpose, meaning, and belonging in? At Church of The Redeemer, we believe we were made for something bigger; something that gives us ultimate purpose, meaning, and belonging. That something is God’s Story of Redemption.

God’s story tells us what actually is.

What is God’s Story of Redemption?


In the beginning, God created everything: the entire cosmos and everything in it. God even created human beings in His image so that they would fill the earth and represent Him. He declared everything to be “very good.”


But mankind rebelled against God and sought to rule on their own terms. They were tempted by an ancient serpent to disobey God. Because of this rebellion, sin entered into the world and infected every person who would come after the first humans.


But God did not leave mankind in their state of rebellion, He made a promise that a king would come from the lineage of the first woman and crush the head of the serpent. God promised to make a new covenant with His people.


That king was Jesus, the God man. Truly God and truly man, Jesus came to do the work of God and save His people from their rebellion. He crushed the head of the serpent by dying on a tree and rising again after three days.


Before Jesus left, He gave His followers the mission: to go into the world and make more disciples. He filled them with the Holy Spirit so that they would be equipped for the task ahead. This mission is fulfilled through the local and global church.

New Creation

Jesus promised us he would return and make all things new. God’s dwelling place will be among His people and we will rejoice in Him for all of eternity.

Where do you find yourself in God’s Story?

God’s Story of Redemption is one of the most epic stories ever told. Every word of it is true. But it’s not just God’s story, it is our story as well. All of our hope, purpose, and meaning is found in this Story of Redemption. Email us to discover how you can become a part of this story.